Holistic Wellness Coaching Academy’s Blog
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Unlocking Radiant Skin: The Gut-Skin Connection and Holistic Skin Health
When it comes to achieving radiant, youthful skin, most people focus solely on topical treatments. But the secret to glowing skin may lie deeper—within your gut. Holistic skin health considers the intricate relationship between your gut and your...

The Compound Effect: Understanding Chemicals and Their Impact on Health
In today's modern world, we are surrounded by chemicals, toxins, and pollutants in our air, water, food, and even body products. While individually these substances may seem harmless in small doses, it's their cumulative effect, known as the...
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Five Powerful Questions To Start Taking Your Life Back
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. -Anais Nin We are all on a journey of self-discovery and it is a never-ending process which is why awareness becomes so important. If you have ever been someone who feels that they have "lost themselves" or that...
What to Look for in a Coaching School
Deciding to pursue your dreams of coaching is the easy part. Choosing a program that will give you the best training and tools to create your desired business can be tricky. With health coaching growing so rapidly, it's no surprise that the number of schools have as...
Bring it! Why you must bring VALUE to your business
How do you bring VALUE to your client or potentials? Business is strategic. Its serious and technical. Because of these factors we often get lost in one of two places, serious technicalities, numbers and strategies or we ride the inconsistent waves of emotion and...
How do you sell what you’d give for free?
The hardest words for most coaches and healers to use are "BUSINESS" and "MONEY." The reason for this? Because we are passion centered human beings. We have a genuine love of helping others and giving. So many people need help right? And you are happy to give. Before...
Why You Need to Invest in Yourself
"In order to do better, know better and be better, we must invest in better." -Coach Britt (I dedicate this post to my fire lit coaches and those soon to be) Whether its business, education, food or life in general, when you look for the easiest, cheapest investment,...
The “Dark Stress”
When we first started digging into the science of stress while developing the Stress Strategy Life Coaching course, I expected to learn a lot. Little did I know what I'd learn about myself and my own life in the process... Did you know that the adrenals, thyroid and...
Is Your Low Carb Diet Killing Your Microbiome?
Low carb, high protein or high fat diets are all the rage. They do an amazing job of cutting out refined sugars, flours and processed foods. This change alone can impact the average person's diet in an extremely positive way! The concern lies in how we go about...
Why Your Life is Out of Balance
As I sat with my family on a Saturday with virtually nothing to do... well nothing crucial, I couldn't help but feel like my heart was going to beat out of my chest! I was failing! I had a successful business, loving spouse, healthy kids and freedom with my...
Are you qualified to coach? At this point in time, anyone can call themselves a coach without any training or certifications. There is no legal issue with calling yourself a coach however complication arises more in the method which we carry out our services....
MIND BLOWING Perspective on Illness
"The body achieves what the mind believes" I have recently been compelled to dive deeper into the Mind-Body connection in search of answers for myself as well as many in my current environment. I was drawn to an incredible book by John E. Sarno called the...
How will I keep my clients motivated? It is an overwhelming concept right? Creating lifestyle change is hard for all of us and the thought of dragging another person through their own process can feel exhausting. Who would pay for that? Not many. Not many people will...
What does a health coach even do? While I can't answer for all coaches, HWCA coaches have an inspirational diversity. The basic concept of health coaching is the process of guiding a client through diet and lifestyle changes to achieve a desired outcome. This...