Why are you putting off your dreams?

A woman's hands typing on a laptop with a cup of coffee.

Becoming a coach is more than just validating a hobby or passion. It has the potential for excellent income and a variety of uses! When we seek the very things that we are passionate about, they bring fulfillment and that fulfillment allows us to innovate and persevere through seeing that passion into its fullest potential.

What is your ultimate goal for your wellness business? Where do you want to be? If it were guaranteed that you would achieve this goal, what would that end result look like? What will it feel like to be here?!

See, the potential to create is immeasurable. If you have a product business or just a love of all things wellness, as a coach you can create the template for yourself!


Do me a favor and read that above line 3 times. Get it yet? The longer we wait to start, the more we reject our dreams and visions. If someone guaranteed this to you, would you still put it off?

Think about that.

Your passion for helping others help themselves is the same passion that will skyrocket your business. Individuals spend an obscene amount of money on “quick fixes” and behaviors that are counterintuitive to the state of life which they desire.


So next time you find yourself putting off your dreams, your desires, your life, remember, your passions have led you here. They are just waiting for you to do something about it.

*Get triple certified in Holistic Gut Health and Mindset Coaching today. Book a call to discuss discounts and payment options.