What is nervous system dysregulation Nervous system dysregulation refers to an imbalance or dysfunction in the normal functioning of the nervous system, which can include the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system. This...
Mental Health
MIND BLOWING Perspective on Illness
"The body achieves what the mind believes" I have recently been compelled to dive deeper into the Mind-Body connection in search of answers for myself as well as many in my current environment. I was drawn to an incredible book by John E. Sarno called the...
“Broken Brain” docuseries review
After an hour spent watching Dr. Mark Hyman's "Broken Brain 2" docuseries and I absolutely had to share my thoughts. Firstly, I would just like to thank Dr. Hyman for sharing an essential and misunderstood aspect of health; brain disorders and mental wellness. As I...
While we discuss the Mind-Gut connection on a regular basis, one aspect that is rarely addressed to it's fullest extent is the mind-EMOTION connection to illness and pain. Numerous studies have been done on this topic and while it isn't necessarily the main cause of...
Stress Strategy Through Meditation
Why I Broke My Cleanse With A Cake Pop
Buddha Belly Life Blog: Why I broke my cleanse with a cake pop Health isn’t about perfection nor is it about a quick “fix” or result. Health is a lifelong journey to cultivate resilience of body, mind and spirit. Fueling the body with nutrition should be a top...
THE STRESS - QUIT CONNECTION The mind can only handle so much overwhelm before cognition falters and before we subconsciously or consciously assert that the stress of the action outweighs the gratification awaiting at the end. This is...
Hacking Anxiety pt.2
Is Coffee Giving You A “Disorder?”
You sit down to work, organize your space, pull out your list after a morning of working out, hauling kids and traffic. You are READY to ROCK your day... but your brain just won't focus. You are instantly flooded with overwhelm and confusion, wondering where to start...
To start the discussion about trauma, we must first understand how trauma is defined in a psychological perspective. You see, science makes a point to differentiate between STRESS and TRAUMA but how does it do this exactly? Well, apparently, it's not an exact...